Tuesday 15 December 2020

Summary of Acoustics Group Activity: 2020

We thank you all for your support over what can only be described as a difficult year. To summarise links with IOA were further strengthened with branch meetings and virtual seminars given by both staff and students. Presentations were given at various virtual conferences including IOA annual conference, European INCE on Quiet Drones, Reproduced Sound, and of course Inter-Noise 2020.  Six journal papers were published on metadiffusers, lung sounds, recycled glass beads, the UK noise environment under COVID- theQuietProject.co.uk, inflatables as an acoustic treatment and the noise from the operation of London Heliport. Dr Bob Peter’s final book was published on uncertainty. Prizes were awarded to IOA Students: Jakub Hajku (NTi award) and Paul Roberts (ANC Diploma project) and of course Doug Shearer was awarded his doctorate! Sponsorship and support was extended by both the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal Opera House. New equipment was purchased to deliver “Lab in a Box”, Dirac 6 for measurements, and CADNA-A for environmental noise modelling. Research funding was secured to extend the UK Acoustics Network and a new EPSRC UKAN+ grant awarded for 2021-25. Next year will see normality resume and the introduction of the long awaited Apprenticeship in Acoustics! Happy New Year to you all.


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