Sunday 15 September 2024

PhD Candidate Alec Korchev presents ar IOA 50th

The five and final Acoustics Group presentation at the Institute of Acoustics 50th Annual Conference was given by PhD candidate Alec Korchev. Alec presented his research on , "Wind Induced Noise in Tall Buildings". This is multidisciplinary study involving structural engineers and wind analysts. Alec presented some early results on slender buildings which creaked like old wooden sailing ships! This really bought the subject to life! Well done Alec.

Haydar Aygun presents at IOA 50th


DR Haydar Aygun presented his research at the Institute of Acoustics 50th annual conference. The meeting was held in Manchester Metropolitan University's Business School on 12/13th September 2024. Haydar presented his mathematical work on perforated and non-perforated concrete with basalt strains. His empirical work (creating the concrete/basalt sample), acoustic measurements of absorption and transmission, analytical and simulation work created a comprehensive acoustic study. This was pitched as on-going work!

Choral Rehearsal Room research presented at IOA 50th


On the 13th September 2024 former MSc student Vincent JeeSheng Tham virtual presented his Masters thesis on Acoustics of Choir Rehearsal Room.  Vincent was in Malaysia so a video was used to give the presentation. The paper cover a critique of the new ISO 23591:2021 using an example of a refurbishment of a Choir Room (48 to 96 singers) with a size of 1000m3. His conclusion, based on objective acoustic measurements and subjective feedback from 22 vocalists and the conductor, was that it was too loud and sound strength should be the key parameter. Well done Vincent.

Face the Music: A 20 year plan was presented at IOA 50th

At the Institute of Acoustics 50th Annual Conference held 12-13 September 2024 at Manchester Met Business School Professor Stephen Dance chaired the Musical Acoustics session presenting an update to his Face the Music series. This was a 10 year update on his Tyndall Medal winning research. He explained that noise and music have a different physiological affect on our hearing system but more sound definitely leads to more damage. He went on to discuss how education and awareness over the past 18 years has improved musicians hearing. Finally new hearing assessment methods are being developed and are under testing. A very good and diverse session. . 

The results of the Quiet Project presented at IOA 50th Conference

On the 12/13th September 2024 the Institute of Acoustics held their 50th Conference in Manchester. Professor Stephen Dance presented the results of the Quiet Project - A National Noise Survey undertaken during Lockdown to conference. The results demonstrated that WHO day and night target noise levels are very difficult to achieve. It was also found that suburbia does not exist according to government which will be very important to Electric Vehicle Penetration which needs charging points. A range of questions were asked around Air Source Heat Pumps which of course are mainly located in the back garden of homes.  


The Final UKAN Conference


On the 12th September 2024 UKAN held it's annual conference at Manchester Metropolitan University. The future, successes and legacy were discussed with Professor Stephen Dance leading the discussion using Mentimeter for audience feedback. PhD candidate Ruben Vasquez Amos attended the event and participated in the dialogue. EPSRC programme lead Andrew Lawrence was impressed. The best UKAN research poster award went to Julia Tomaszewska of University of West London  The new EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training lead by Salford, with Sheffield, Southampton, Bristol was celebrated. Finally the proposed Noise Network+ pitched their ideas at a mock panel. We wish them all the best!  . 

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Hearing Conservation Conference supported by UKAN event


The Hearing Conservation Association will host their annual conference on 5th November 2024 at Birmingham Event Centre. This is a UKAN supported event. This year will include a research update fromn Professor Stepheh Dance who will also host a discussion between the Communication, hearing and Immersive Audio Special Interest Groups. See you in Birmingham

Friday 6 September 2024

19th Year of Royal Academy of Music Hearing Assessments

On the 5th September 2024 the Acoustics Group started the 19th round of hearing assessments for the Royal Academy of Music. This year PhD candidate Ruben Vazquez Amos is assisting Professor Stephen Dance in the audiometric and otoacoustic emission testing. This year we should reach 5500 audiograms and 1000 OAE results!

Monday 2 September 2024

Additional funding from UKAN for Campaign on Hearing


On the 2nd September 2024 Professor Stephen Dance has been awarded £5000 from the UK Acoustics Network (UKJAN) to help support the campaign to Make Listening Safe and the annual Hearing Conservation Association conference. Lets hope that the campaign raises public awareness of the risks associated with using headphones for gaming and music listening..     

Sunday 1 September 2024

Professor Stephen Dance presents his work at Inter-Noise24


On the 29th August 2024 Professor Stephen Dance presented his research to Inter-Noise24 in Nantes. His paper was entitled, "Sound exposure of St Paul's Cathedral choristers including unusual events". The special event of particular interest was when the tenor gave an unamplified solo performance which filled the entire volume of St Paul's. This raised many questions from the audience but has resulted in an all girls choir being introduced. The first time in 900 years! 

PhD Candidate Ruben Vazquez presents at Inter-Noise24


Inter-Noise 2024 - the largest ever acoustics conference

The French Society of Acoustics held the 53rd Inter-Noise conference in Nantes between 25-29th August 2024. This was the largest Inter-Noise with 1874 delegates attending the little hybrid meeting with 1169 papers presented with 22.5% of those from Early Careers paying significantly less to attend.. The size of the Inter-Noise meeting was 50% larger than typical.. Professor Stephen Dance sat on the I-INCE committee which selected this venue as a conference which turned out to be a great decision! The welcome address involved music and comedy to demonstrate physical principles. Let's hope Brazil 2025 can continue the great progress!