Tuesday 25 June 2024

International Acoustics Visit to Geopanel, Spain

On the 24th June 2024 a three way joint visit to Geopanel.com in Longono, Span. Former  MSc and now Lecture, Laura de Azacate of Soundscape Studios and Association of Architects and Professor Steohen Dance of London Sourh Bank University with Masters students from the School of Suoeeior Design all joined.  Tours of the newly expanded factory were taken, followed by lunch and an invitation to return next year to see the new recycled construction and automative materials.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Article published on the risks to paint from sound


On the 14th June 2024 the work with the National Gallery was published in News in Conservation Issue 102 June-July 2024News in Conservation Issue 102 June-July 2024 undertaken in the Acoustics Laboratory of London South Bank University. This work was supported by UKANUKAN and was a collaboration with BickerdikeAllen Partners. It covers how very high sound levels might damage paint in paintings.  

Friday 14 June 2024

Mike Clayton passes PhD viva


On the 13th June 2024 Mike Clatyon defended his doctoral thesis entitled, "UAV Sound acquastition system design and its applications" at Queen Mary University of London. Professor Stephen Dance and Dr George Fazekas acted as the examiners for the five hour defence.  Dr Clayton passed with multiple minor corrections. Well done Mike and his supervisor Dr Lin Wang. 

Monday 10 June 2024

Visit to the Royal Opera House


On the 10th June 2024 architects from Foster + Partners together with acousticians from London South Bank University enjoyed a back stage tour of the Royal Opera House. Thanks to Alex Lucas for looking after us, and showing us the really big stuff!

Sunday 9 June 2024

Masters' Students to Present to IOA London Branch

On the 10th July 2024 three former MSc Environmental and Architectural students will present their Masters dissertations at the London South Bank University Hub. This is a long established annual event for the Institute of Acoustics London Branch. At 6pm Vincent Tham Sheng will give a virtual presentation on the Acoustics of a Choral Rehearsal Room, followed by Sam Toone on Automated Sound Classification of Construction and Non-construction Sound Events. The final presentation by Ruben Vazquez Amos is on, The Effects of Face Coverings on Speech Intelligibility and Speech Transmission. We hope you can all make it!

Thursday 6 June 2024

Final UKAN+ Event Announced


The final UKAN+ event will be held on 12th September 2024 at Manchester Met University Business School. Each Specialist Interest Group will present a poster, the history of UKAN will be covered, the results of the funded risky research projects, and the future discussed. This full day event is free to all UKAN members through this form