Tuesday, 26 April 2022
3D audio headphone tests for Coyosy
Thursday, 21 April 2022
Posters at CIBSE Tech Symposium
Wednesday, 6 April 2022
Paper published on Teaching Acoustics during a Pandemic
On the 1st April 2022 Professor Stephen Dance has published a paper in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. The paper entitled, "Teaching acoustics during a pandemic: Lab in a Box experiments at home" illustrated how it was possible to teach postgraduate students the practical aspects of acoustics using filmed experiment, virtualised software, and by distributig audio kit to undertaken experiments. These resources will be reused as part of our newly announced Apprenticeship in Acoustics.
Paper published on Hyflex technology to deliver teaching under COVID
On the 6th April 2022 PhD candidate, Rodrigo Sanchez-Pizani and the AV team at King's College published a paper in the Journal of Learning Evironments Research. The paper entitled, "Hydrid flexible (Hyflex) teaching and learning: Climbing the mountain of implementation challenges for sychnronus on-line teaching and face-to-face seminars during the pandemic". Well done Rodrigo!